Blogs and tips

Our Consulting Clinical Director Tineke and the team at Happy Oak provides you with free, simple and effective behavioural strategies to help you with the wonderful children in your life.

Understanding ABA Strategies for Every Classroom

Insights from a teacher turned behaviour analyst  As an educator with a rich background in teaching, I’ve come to understand that the foundation of optimal learning outcomes lies in the…

Tips on playing with autistic children

At Happy Oak, we are playing professionals. We also understand that sometimes parents feel at a loss with how to engage with their kids. So we help parents learn how…

Toilet Training

When you think about toilet training, what ideas come to mind? The associations we have about toilet training can conjure up mixed feelings. It’s an important stage in your child’s…

No More Nagging!

“Go and put your shoes on darling….” “Put your shoes on please….” “Shoes on pleeeease….” “SHOES ON NOW!” “PUT YOUR *#%# SHOES ON RIGHT NOW!!!!!!” Do you ever find yourself…

Tin’s Top Tips #1

Lots of parents and teachers ask me, ‘Can you give me some quick tips?’ with regard to the child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in their household or class….

ABA Therapy – a career that changes lives

Stephanie Johns, PGDipPsych a Senior Behaviour Interventionist on the Happy Oak team tells us in her own words why she loves working in a career which makes a difference. Applied…

Why do we love ABA music lessons?

At Happy Oak we love seeing our kids take up learning a musical instrument because there are so many benefits, especially before the age of seven. So what do the…

Our kids can be taught to play on their own (we’re not talking Minecraft or spinning fidget toys!)

Teaching our kids independent play skills is super important. It helps us get things done around the house without resorting to handing over the ipad and also, crucially, makes the…

ABA Misconceptions

At Happy Oak, we are often asked questions about ABA which come up again and again. Some of the most common questions have been “Does it turn our kids into…

Happy Oak Yoga Classes and Playtime

Yoga is on hold in 2024. We are thrilled to offer yoga plus playtime! Yoga is both fun and therapeutic for kids with autism and learning delays. This program follows…

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